
Garbage is a global problem that can not be ignored, it affects thousands of marine species, birds and aquifers, and humans. That is why every month Explora Caribe Tours we put hands in action and organize together with the Community, Civil Associations, Public and Private Sector the Monthly Cleaning and Sanitation Days in different ecosystems: beaches, mangroves, caves, cenotes and main roads, also We provide advice and talks by experts on the subject to know more about the place, its endemic flora and fauna and we sign with signs that help us to send the message to all visitors to reduce and take responsibility for the waste we generate by applying the R3′ s Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

In Explora Caribe Tours we are committed to the environment where we live and in this 2018 we managed to remove more than 4 tons of garbage from the oceans and we are going for more!

We invite you to follow our networks and join the Days of Cleaning and Sanitation of Ecosystems to clean up our wonderful Planet Earth.